Voice-overs where all the actors are voiced by one person are not uncommon.

Our users have been happy with our platform for several years. Such a large amount of work and high speed could have damaged the quality of translation and voice acting, but that does not apply to us. English voice-overs of foreign movie and TV series are released on the premiere day. Thus, we have achieved excellent results. The studio developing, the speed of our work has also increased. Saicord – free of charge movies and TV series Any person can now watch a movie they want at a convenient time and with a pleasant voice-over. This is no longer an issue thanks to Saicord. And when the movie finally appeared on the TV screens, one had to keep the broadcasting schedule in mind. Not long ago, it was impossible to watch a foreign movie with a voice-over in your native language on the same day it was released, since localization took a very long time, from several months to a year. Furthermore, we aimed to replace common TV. We established our company with a goal to provide the public with high-quality voice-over of both world-known movies and small projects.